Gregory Firestone, Ph.D. is President of My Florida Mediator and Affiliate Associate Professor in the University of South Florida (USF) College of Public Health.  He previously served as Director of the USF Conflict Resolution Collaborative (aka Mediation Institute) for twenty-two years. Greg has served  continuously on standing alternative dispute resolution committees of the Florida Supreme Court for more than two decades (including seven years as Vice Chair of the Court’s Alternative Dispute Resolution Rules and Policy Committee) and as Official Observer (on behalf of the Association for Conflict Resolution and the Academy of Family Mediators) to the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws Uniform Mediation Act Drafting Committee. He currently serves on the Editorial Board of Family Court Review and most recently received the 2012 Florida Supreme Court Sharon Press Excellence in Alternative Dispute Resolution Award and 2011 Florida Academy of Professional Mediators Merit Award. 

Dr. Firestone is a mediator, mediation trainer, dispute resolution system consultant and a retired clinical psychologist.  Greg is a practicing 1) Florida Supreme Court certified Appellate, Circuit Court, Dependency, and Family Mediator, 2) Association for Conflict Resolution (ACR) Advanced Practitioner, and 3) Diplomate Member of the Florida Academy of Professional Mediator.  Dr. Firestone has lectured and published widely in the field of mediation and is coauthor of Mediation Works: Make it Work for You, a family mediation orientation video produced by the Florida Supreme Court Dispute Resolution Center.
Telephone: 813-494-7655


Gregory Firestone, Ph.D.

Certified Appellate Mediator

Certified Circuit Civil Mediator

Certified Dependency  Mediator 

Certified Family Mediator

Clinical Psychologist

Qualified Parenting Coordinator

Select Publications

Firestone, G. (2024) Confidentiality and Privilege Considerations in Family Dispute Resolution in K. Olsen & P. Salem, (Eds.) Family Dispute Resolution: Process and Practice, Oxford University Press.

​Firestone, G. (2021) Continuing Mediation Ethics Education in S. Omera (Ed.) Mediation Ethics: A Practitioner's Guide, pp. 321-347, American Bar Association.

Firestone, G. & Press, S., (2020) Special Issue: Privacy Protections in Various Alternative Dispute Resolution Methods Guest Editorial, Family Court Review, 58(1), pp.

Firestone, G. & Press, S., (2020) Privadentiality: Developing a Coherent Framework for Establishing Communication Protections in Family and Child Protection Dispute Resolution Methods, Family Court Review, 58(1), pp. 9-25

Tetunic, F. & Firestone, G., (2020) Confidentiality and Privilege for Family and Child Protection Mediation: A Roadmap for Navigating the Innovation, Inconsistency and Confusion, 58(1), pp. 46-67.

Schepard, A., Firestone, G., Johnson, S., & Stahl, P., (2020) Allen v. Allen 2nd Edition: Client Counseling, Negotiation, and Mediation Advocacy in Divorce Disputes, National Institute for Trial Advocacy.

Schepard, A., Firestone, G., Johnson, S., & Stahl, P., (2020) Allen v. Allen 2nd Edition: Trial, National Institute for Trial Advocacy.

Schepard, A., Firestone, G., Johnson, S., & Stahl, P., (2020) Allen v. Allen 2nd Edition: Deposition File – Faculty Materials, National Institute for Trial Advocacy.

Schepard, A., Firestone, G., Johnson, S., & Stahl, P., (2020) Allen v. Allen 2nd Edition: Deposition File – Petitioner’s Materials, National Institute for Trial Advocacy.

Schepard, A., Firestone, G., Johnson, S., & Stahl, P., (2020) Allen v. Allen 2nd Edition: Deposition File – Respondent’s Materials, National Institute for Trial Advocacy.

Jenkins, R., Firestone, G., Aasheim, K., Boelens, B., (2017) Mandatory Pre-Suit Mediation for Medical Malpractice: Eight-Year Results and Future Innovations, Conflict Resolution Quarterly, Fall Issue, pp. 73-88.

Firestone, G., (2013) Thinking Fast and Slow Book Review, ACResolution, Volume 12, pp. 14-15.

Firestone, G. & Stein, L., (2012) Florida's Statewide Approach to the Residential Mortgage Foreclosure Crisis: The Residential Mortgage Foreclosure Mediation Model, Stetson Law Review, Volume 41, Number 3, pp. 719 – 743.

Firestone, G. (2011) Comments on Case 10.2 in Waldman, E., Mediation Ethics, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, pp. 265-273.

Firestone, G., (2009) Empowering Parents in Child Protection Mediation: Challenges and Opportunities, Family Court Review, 47(1), pp. 98 -115.

Firestone, G., & Weinstein, (2008) In the Best Interest of Children: A Proposal to Transform the Adversary System in Singer, J. and Murphy, J. (eds.) Resolving Family Conflicts, Hampshire, England: Ashgate Publishing, pp. 3-17.

Firestone, G., (2005) Collaborative Complaint Resolution Program For Resolving Medicare Beneficiary Complaints: Pilot Project Final Report, Florida Medical Quality Assurance Inc. ( Providers/CaseReview/pdf/Final Report122805.pdf.

Firestone, G. (2004) (Journal Guest Editor), Guest Editor’s Introduction, Family Court Review, 42(2).

Firestone, G., & Weinstein, (2004) In the Best Interest of Children: Proposal to Transform the Adversary System, Family Court Review, Vol. 42(2).

Firestone, G., McNeal, R., & Starnes, H., (2004) Mediating Judicial Policy, Family Court Review, Vol. 42(1), pp. 128-140.

Firestone, G. (2002) An Analysis of Principled Advocacy in the Development of the Uniform Mediation Act, Northern Illinois University Law Review, Spring, 22(2) pp. 265 - 286.

Stall, P. & Firestone, G. (2000) (Guest Editors), Guest Editor’s Introduction, Family and Conciliation Courts Review, Vol. 38(3), pp. 292-296.

Kuenhle, K., Coulter, M., & Firestone, G. (2000) Child Protection Evaluations: The Forensic Stepchild, Family and Conciliation Courts Review, Vol. 38(3), pp. 368-391.

Firestone, G. (1997) Dependency Mediation: Where Do We Go From Here? Family and Conciliation Courts Review, Vol. 35(2), pp. 223-238.

Firestone, G. & Press, S. (1995) 'Mediation Works, Make It Work For You,' a family mediation orientation videotape produced by the Florida Supreme Court Dispute Resolution Center.
